Value in Health Regional Issues

Value in Health Regional Issues

Inotai A, Abonyi-Tóth Zs, Rokszin Gy, Vokó Z: Prognosis, Cost, and Occurrence of Colorectal, Lung, Breast, and Prostate Cancer in Hungary (Value in Health Regional Issues 7C (2015) 1-8) Objectives: The aim of this research was to estimate the epidemiological and...
OncoTargets and Therapy

OncoTargets and Therapy

Moldvay J, Rokszin Gy, Abonyi-Tóth Zs, Katona L, Fábián K, Kovács G: Lung cancer drug therapy in Hungary – 3 year experience (OncoTargets and Therapy 2015:8 1031–1038)   Abstract: Hungary is a world leader in lung cancer deaths, so it is of crucial...
Value in Health

Value in Health

Inotai A., Abonyi-Tóth Z., Rokszin G. Voko Z.: Occurrence, survival and annual cost of colorectal-, breast-, prostate- and lung cancer in Hungary (Value in Health, 17: A553) Objectives: Evaluating effectiveness of oncological treatments and their costs becomes more...
Value in Health

Value in Health

Kaló Z, Abonyi-Tóth Zs, Rokszin Gy, Katona L, Ágh T, Inotai A: Impact of switching on health care costs and outcomes in generic drug policies (Value in Health 1 6 [2 0 1 3] A323–A636) Objectives: Price erosion is considered the key success criterion of generic drug...
Value in Health

Value in Health

Abonyi-Tóth Zs, Kaló Z, Ágh T, Inotai A, Katona L, Rokszin Gy, Jozwiak-Hagymásy J: Assessment of generic drug policy implementation by measuring persistence with antihypertensive drug therapies after patent expiry (Value in Health 1 6 [2 0 1 3] A323–A636) Objectives:...
Archives of Medical Science

Archives of Medical Science

Zoltán Kiss, László Nagy, István Reiber, György Paragh, Márk Péter Molnár, György Rokszin, Zsolt Abonyi-Tóth, László Márk: Persistence with statin therapy in Hungary (Archives of Medical Science 2013.06.03; 9, 3: 409-417) Objective: Persistence with lipid lowering...