Gabriella Gálffy1†
, Géza Tamás Szabó2†
, Lilla Tamási 3
Veronika Müller3
, Judit Moldvay4,5
, Veronika Sárosi6
Anna Kerpel-Fronius 7
, Tamás Kardos8
, Edit Csada 5
Zsolt Pápai-Székely9
, Zoltán Szász10, Zsolt Király11, Gábor Hódi 2
Zsuzsanna Kovács2
, Éva Balogh2
, Krisztina Andrea Kovács 2
Miklós Darida2
, Viktória Buga 2
, György Rokszin12,
Zsolt Abonyi-Tóth12,13, Zoltán Kiss 2,14*†
, Zoltán Vokó15,16† and
Krisztina Bogos 17†
Department of Pulmonology, Pulmonology Center of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Törökbálint,Hungary, 2MSD Pharma Hungary Ltd., Budapest, Hungary, 3Department of Pulmonology, SemmelweisUniversity, Budapest, Hungary, 4Department of Pulmonology, National Korányi Institute ofPulmonology, Budapest, Hungary, 5Department of Pulmonology, University of Szeged Albert SzentGyörgyi Medical School, Szeged, Hungary, 6Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary, 7National Korányi Institute of Pulmonology, Department of Radiology, Budapest, Hungary,8Department of Pulmonology, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 9Fejér County Szent György, University Teaching Hospital, Székesfehérvár, Hungary, 10Department of Pulmonology, PetzAladár University Teaching Hospital, Győr, Hungary, 11Veszprém County Pulmonary HospitalFarkasgyepű, Farkasgyepű, Hungary, 12RxTarget Ltd Szolnok, Szolnok, Hungary, 13Department ofBiostatistics, University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary, 142nd Department of Medicine andNephrology-Diabetes Center, University of Pécs Medical School, Pécs, Hungary, 15Center for HealthTechnology Assessment, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 16Syreon Research Institute,Budapest, Hungary, 17National Korányi Institute of Pulmonology, Budapest, Hungary
Objective: Hungary has repeatedly been shown to have the highest cancerrelated mortality and incidence in Europe. Despite lung cancer being the mostabundant malignant diagnosis in Hungary, numerous concerns have beenraised recently regarding the bias inherent to reported incidence estimates.Re-analysis of reimbursement claims has been suggested previously by ourgroup as an alternative approach, offering revised figures of lung cancerincidence between 2011 and 2016. Leveraging on this methodology, weaimed at updating Hungarian lung cancer incidence estimates with anadditional 5 years (2017–2021), including years affected by the COVID-19pandemic. Additionally, we also attempted to improve the robustness ofestimates by taking additional characteristics of the patient pathway into account.

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